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More Men Seek Out Cosmetic Surgery

Women may spend more time and money on beauty, but men are as invested in their appearance as women. Surprisingly, a greater number of men have turned to cosmetic surgery in the recent years. A recent study indicated that there was a 273 percent increase in men getting plastic surgery between 1997 and 2013. This increase could be a result of various factors including celebrity-inspired trends, the “selfie” phenomenon, the rise of social media, or even competition within the job market.

The 2014 procedural statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that the top male-focused procedures for last year were pectoral implants and male breast reductions. According to the report, 1,054 pectoral implants were performed which represents an increase of 208 percent from 2013 to 2014 while 26,175 male breast reductions were done in 2014, an increase of 29 percent since 2000. Similarly to women, a growing number of men want to feel comfortable and confident in daily situations and are finding plastic surgery to be a good option.

Even non-surgical options are gaining popularity among men. Treatments like cosmetic fillers, facials, and laser hair reduction are becoming a favorite among males. These minimally invasive options are intended to create subtle changes such as erasing lines and wrinkles for a period of time. Botox is by far, the most popular non-invasive procedure amongst them, with more than 380,000 Botox procedures performed on men in 2013 (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).

In a competitive job market where appearance is essential, the stakes are even higher. The century old saying still holds true till this day: the better you look, the better your chances of climbing the corporate ladder. The media also plays a role in motivating us to enhance our body image. A leading man in a 1950s film was less toned and muscular than a leading man in a film during the 1990s or 2000s. The presence of chiseled, muscular men in popular culture can distort our visualization of the “ideal man.” This can add even more pressure to building a masculine face and body.

Once upon a time, plastic surgery was considered a taboo, but that is slowly changing as it is becoming more and more socially acceptable. It’s a universal truth that people want to look and feel their best. Cosmetic surgery can help you look and feel your best.

If you are interested in cosmetic surgery, schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Germán Newall. Call 713.799.9999 to schedule.


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