Rhinoplasty – Incision Techniques Houston
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Rhinoplasty – Incision Techniques Houston

Rhinoplasty surgery is ideal for patients who are unsatisfied with the appearance or functionality of their noses. Your rhinoplasty will involve one of two incision methods: the open technique or the closed technique.

The more commonly used rhinoplasty method is the closed technique. During this, the incisions are created within the nostrils, making it so any post-surgical marks are not outwardly visible. This method is not as invasive as the other option.

During the open technique, a single incision is created on the columella. This anatomical feature is the area of skin between both nostrils. The open technique allows for greater access, as the skin of the nose is lifted.

To find out more about the right technique for your rhinoplasty surgery, contact our office and schedule a consultation. Skilled board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. German Newall has a wealth of experience and numerous satisfied patients.

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